Diarrhea 20 times a day, the boy is in critical condition and needs dialysis

After 3 days of continuous high fever and loose stools more than 20 times a day, the patient’s family took him to the doctor but his condition turned critical.

Baby VMD (10 months old, residing in Thanh Ba, Phu Tho) was transferred to Phu Tho Provincial Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital after 2 days of treatment for acute diarrhea and dehydration at the district medical center but there was no progress.

The family said that previously the child had a high fever continuously for 3 days and had loose stools more than 20 times a day. When arriving at Phu Tho Provincial Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, baby D. dyspnea, rapid shallow breathing, rapid heart rate, weak radial pulse, and distended abdomen.

At this time, the child was in a drowsy state, had loose, watery stools, and showed no signs of dehydration. After being admitted to the hospital, the child was given paraclinical tests, the results showed a severe electrolyte disorder (Na+ 184) with severe metabolic acidosis (PH 7.0).

Baby D. received emergency continuous hemodialysis. The patient was immediately intubated, mechanically ventilated, controlled with air, and corrected for acid-base balance and electrolyte disorders. At the same time, after conducting a lumbar puncture, the child was diagnosed with septic shock, purulent meningitis, electrolyte disorders, metabolic acidosis, and grade 3 respiratory failure.

After 1 hour of treatment, the metabolic acidosis improved slowly, and the patient was prescribed emergency continuous dialysis. After 2 days of intensive treatment, the child was free of acidosis, the electrolyte disorder was stably controlled, the child was extubated and continued treatment for purulent meningitis.

Baby D. Stable after nearly 2 weeks of treatment and was re-examined by the doctor before being discharged. Up to now, after nearly 2 weeks of treatment, the patient’s overall condition is stable and was discharged home.

According to BSNT. Nguyen Vo Loc – Deputy Head of Intensive Care – Poison Control Department, symptoms of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea are common symptoms in young children. However, these can also be warning symptoms that a child has encephalitis/meningitis.

Therefore, when a child has symptoms such as fever, continuous high fever, diarrhea (3 or more times a day) or continuous vomiting, the child needs to be taken to a specialized hospital to be examined and treated by doctors. timely treatment.

Felipa Ebert

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